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v9r1p3 (additions to DAVINCI_v9r1)

Release Date 20 November 2003

Modification to v9r1 version for stripping production

Modification in (pre)selections

     New (pre)selection for Bd2OmegaGamma (NEW package)


All DaVinci v9r0 features

Documentation Doxigen
Release notes(for detailed release notes of each packages look in the release area of DAVINCI_v9r1)
Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure
tar files of the sources
web access to CVS repository
web access to AFS release area

DaVinci packages modified respect to v9r1

Phys/ DaVinci v9r1p3 20th November 2003
PhysSel/ PhysSelSys v5r13 20th November 2003
Physics Selections modified respect to v9r1.
Decay Author Package (under PhySel/ )
Bd -> Omega gamma G.Pakhlova Bd2OmegaGamma v1r0 20 Nov 03
Bu -> Ks pi A.Buckley Bu2KsPi v1r3 20 Nov 03
LHCb packages used LHCb v12r1 (refer to the requirements files for full package list):
KernelSys  v1r4
EventSys v14r1 PhysEvent v7r6 ( 2003)
DetSys v2r1
AssociatorsSys  v1r4
XmlDDB v17r0
Gaudi packages used based on Gaudi v12r0
Additional applications in DAVINCI_v9r1
Tools/ DecayPresel v2r1p3 Application to produce stripped files with events passing PREselections for various decay channels