GAUDI User Guide

Chapter 12
Tools and ToolSvc

12.1 Overview

Tools are light weight objects whose purpose is to help other components perform their work. A framework service, the ToolSvc , is responsible for creating and managing Tools. An Algorithm requests the tools it needs to the ToolSvc, specifying if requesting a private instance by declaring itself as the parent. Since Tools are managed by the ToolSvc, any component1 can request a tool. Only Algorithms and Services can declare themselves as Tools parents.

In this chapter we first describe these objects and the difference between "private" and "shared" tools. We then look at the AlgTool base class and show how to write concrete Tools.

In section 12.3 we describe the ToolSvc and show how a component can retrieve Tools via the service.

Finally we describe Associators, common utility GaudiTools for which we provide the interface and base class.

12.2 Tools and Services

As mentioned elsewhere Algorithms make use of framework services to perform their work. In general the same instance of a service is used by many algorithms and Services are setup and initialized once at the beginning of the job by the framework. Algorithms also delegate some of their work to sub-algorithms. Creation and execution of sub-algorithms are the responsibilities of the parent algorithm whereas the initialize() and finalize() methods are invoked automatically by the framework while initializing the parent algorithm. The properties of a sub-algorithm are automatically set by the framework but the parent algorithm can change them during execution. Sharing of data between nested algorithms is done via the Transient Event Store.

Both Services and Algorithms are created during the initialization stage of a job and live until the jobs ends.

Sometimes an encapsulated piece of code needs to be executed only for specific events, in which case it is desirable to create it only when necessary. On other occasions the same piece of code needs to be executed many times per event. Moreover it can be necessary to execute a sub-algorithm on specific contained objects that are selected by the parent algorithm or have the sub-algorithm produce new contained objects that may or may not be put in the Transient Store. Finally different algorithms may wish to configure the same piece of code slightly differently or share it as-is with other algorithms.

To provide this kind of functionality we have introduced a category of processing objects that encapsulate these "light" algorithms. We have called this category Tools.

Some examples of possible tools are single track fitters, association to Monte Carlo truth information, vertexing between particles, smearing of Monte Carlo quantities.

12.2.1 "Private" and "Shared" Tools

Algorithms can share instances of Tools with other Algorithms if the configuration of the tool is suitable. In some cases however an Algorithm will need to customize a tool in a specific way in order to use it. This is possible by requesting the ToolSvc to provide a "private" instance of a tool.

If an Algorithm passes a pointer to itself when it asks the ToolSvc to provide it with a tool , it is declaring itself as the parent and a "private" instance is supplied. Private instances can be configured according to the needs of each particular Algorithm via jobOptions.

As mentioned above many Algorithms can use a tool as-is , in which case only one instance of a Tool is created, configured and passed by the ToolSvc to the different algorithms. This is called a "shared" instance. The parent of "shared" tools is the ToolSvc .

12.2.2 The Tool classes The AlgTool base class

The main responsibilities of the AlgTool base class (see Listing 62) are the identification of the tools instances, the initialisation of certain internal pointers when the tool is created and the management of the tools properties. The AlgTool base class also offers some facilities to help in the implementation of derived tools.

Listing 62 The definition of the AlgTool Base class

1: class AlgTool : public virtual IAlgTool,
2: public virtual IProperty {
4: public:
5: // Standard Constructor.
6: AlgTool( const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent);
8: virtual const std::string& name() const;
9: virtual const std::string& type() const;
10: virtual const IInterface* parent() const;
12: virtual StatusCode setProperty(const Property& p);
13: virtual StatusCode getProperty(Property* p) const;
14: virtual const Property& getProperty( const std::string& name) const;
15: virtual const std::vector<Property*>& getProperties( ) const;
17: ISvcLocator* serviceLocator();
18: IMessageSvc* msgSvc();
19: IMessageSvc* msgSvc() const;
21: StatusCode setProperties();
23: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, int& reference);
24: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, double& reference);
25: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, bool& reference);
26: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, std::string& reference);
27: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, std::vector<int>& reference);
28: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, std::vector<double>& reference);
29: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, std::vector<bool>& reference);
30: StatusCode declareProperty(const std::string& name, std::vector<std::string>& reference);
32: protected:
33: // Standard destructor.
34: virtual ~AlgTool();
Access to Services -
A serviceLocator() method is provided to enable the derived tools to locate the services necessary to perform their jobs. Since concrete Tools are instantiated by the ToolSvc upon request, all Services created by the framework prior to the creation of a tool are available. In addition access to the message service is provided via the msgSvc() method. Both pointers are retrieved from the parent of the tool.
Declaring Properties -
A set of methods for declaring properties similarly to Algorithms is provided. This allows tuning of data members used by the Tools via JobOptions files. The ToolSvc takes care of calling the setProperties() method of the AlgTool base class after having instantiated a tool. Properties need to be declared in the constructor of a Tool . The property outputLevel is declared in the base class and is identically set to that of the parent component. For details on Properties see section 11.3.1.
Constructor -
The base class has a single constructor which takes three arguments. The first is the type (i.e. the class) of the Tool object being instantiated, the second is the full name of the object and the third is a pointer to the IInterface of the parent component. The name is used for the identification of the tool instance as described below.The parent interface is used by the tool to access for example the outputLevel of the parent.
IAlgTool Interface -
It consists of three accessor methods for the identification and managment of the tools: type(), name() and parent(). These methods are all implemented by the base class and should not be overridden. Tools identification

A tool instance is identified by its full name. The name consist of the concatenation of the parent name, a dot, and a tool dependent part. The tool dependent part can be specified by the user, when not specified the tool type (i.e. the class) is automatically taken as the tool dependent part of the name. Examples of tool names are RecPrimaryVertex.VertexSmearer (a private tool) and ToolSvc.AddFourMom (a shared tool). The full name of the tool has to be used in the jobOptions file to set its properties. Concrete tools classes

Operational functionalities of tools must be provided in the derived tool classes. A concrete tool class must inherit directly or indirectly from the AlgTool base class to ensure that it has the predefined behaviour needed for management by the ToolSvc . The inheritance structure of derived tools is shown in Figure 24. ConcreteTool1 implements one additional abstract interface while ConcreteTool3 and ConcreteTool4 derive from a base class SubTool that provides them with additional common functionality.

Figure 24 Tools classes hierarchy


The idea is that concrete tools could implement additional interfaces, specific to the task a tool is designed to perform. Specialised tools intended to perform similar tasks can be derived from a common base class that will provide the common functionality and implement the common interface. Consider as example the vertexing of particles, where separate tools can implement different algorithms but the arguments passed are the same. If a specialized tool is only accessed via the additional interface, the interface itself must inherit from the IAlgTool interface in order for the tool to be correctly managed by the ToolSvc . Implementation of concrete tools

An example minimal implementation of a concrete tool is shown in Listing 63 and Listing 64, taken from the ToolsAnalysis example application distributed with the Gaudi framework..

Listing 63 Example of a concrete tool minimal implementation header file

1: #include "Gaudi/Kernel/AlgTool.h"
2: class VertexSmearer : public AlgTool {
3: public:
4: // Constructor
5: VertexSmearer( const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent);
6: // Standard Destructor
7: virtual ~VertexSmearer() { }
8: // specific method of this tool
1: StatusCode smear( MyAxVertex* pvertex );

Listing 64 Example of a concrete tool minimal implementation file

1: #include "Gaudi/Kernel/ToolFactory.h"
2: // Static factory for instantiation of algtool objects
3: static ToolFactory<VertexSmearer> s_factory;
4: const IToolFactory& VertexSmearerFactory = s_factory;
6: // Standard Constructor
7: VertexSmearer::VertexSmearer(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent) : AlgTool( type, name, parent ) {
9: // Locate service needed by the specific tool
10: m_randSvc = 0;
11: if( serviceLocator() ) {
12: StatusCode sc=StatusCode::FAILURE;
13: sc = serviceLocator()->getService( "RndmGenSvc", IID_IRndmGenSvc, (IInterface*&) (m_randSvc) );
14: }
15: // Declare properties of the specific tool
16: declareProperty("dxVtx", m_dxVtx = 9 * micrometer);
17: declareProperty("dyVtx", m_dyVtx = 9 * micrometer);
18: declareProperty("dzVtx", m_dzVtx = 38 * micrometer);
19: }
20: // Implement the specific method ....
21: StatusCode VertexSmearer::smear( MyAxVertex* pvertex ) {...}

The creation of concrete tools is similar to that of Algorithms, making use of a Factory Method. As for Algorithms, Tool factories enable their creator to instantiate new tools without having to include any of the concrete tools header files. A template factory is provided and a tool developer will only need to add the concrete factory in the implementation file as shown in lines 1 to 4 of Listing 64

In addition a concrete tool class must specify a single constructor with the same parameter signatures as the constructor of the AlgTool base class as shown in line 5 of Listing 63.

Below is the minimal checklist of the code necessary when developing a Tool:

  1. Derive the tool class from the AlgTool base class
  2. Provide the constructor
  3. Implement the factory adding the lines of code shown in Listing 64

In addition if the tool is implementing an additional interface you may need to:

  1. Define the specific interface (inheriting from the IAlgTool interface).
  2. Implement the queryInterface() method.
  3. Implement the specific interface methods.

12.3 The ToolSvc

The ToolSvc manages Tools . It is its responsibility to create tools and make them available to Algorithms or Services .

The ToolSvc verifies if a tool type is available and creates the necessary instance after having verified if it doesn't already exist. If a tool instance exists the ToolSvc will not create a new identical one but pass to the algorithm the existing instance. Tools are created on a "first request" basis: the first Algorithm requesting a tool will prompt its creation. The relationship between an algorithm, the ToolSvc and Tools is shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25 ToolSvc design diagram


The ToolSvc will "hold" a tool until it is no longer used by any component or until the finalize() method of the tool service is called. Algorithms can inform the ToolSvc they are not going to use a tool previously requested via the releaseTool method of the IToolSvc interface2.

The ToolSvc is created by default by the ApplicationMgr and algorithms wishing to use the service can retrieve it using the service accessor method of the Algorithm base class as shown in the lines below.

include "Gaudi/Interfaces/IToolSvc.h"...IToolSvc* toolSvc=0;StatusCode sc = service( "ToolSvc",toolSvc);if ( sc.isFailure) { ...

12.3.1 Retrieval of tools via the IToolSvc interface

The IToolSvc interface is the ToolSvc specific interface providing methods to retrieve tools . The interface has two retrieve methods that differ in their parameters signature, as shown in Listing 65

Listing 65 The IToolSvc interface methods

1: virtual StatusCode retrieve(const std::string& type, IAlgTool*& tool, const IInterface* parent=0, bool createIf=true ) = 0;
2: virtual StatusCode retrieve(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, IAlgTool*& tool, const IInterface* parent=0, bool createIf=true ) = 0;

The arguments of the method shown in Listing 65, line 1, are the tool type (i.e. the class) and the IAlgTool interface of the returned tool. In addition there are two arguments with default values: one is the IInterface of the component requesting the tool, the other a boolean creation flag. If the component requesting a tool passes a pointer to itself as the third argument, it declares to the ToolSvc that is asking a "private" instance of the tool. By default a "shared" instance is provided. In general if the requested instance of a Tool does not exist the ToolSvc will create it. This behaviour can be changed by setting to false the last argument of the method.

The method shown in Listing 65, line 2 differs from the one shown in line 1 by an extra argument, a string specifying the tool dependent part of the full tool name . This enables a component to request two separately configurable instances of the same tool.

To help the retrieval of concrete tools two template functions, as shown in Listing 66, are provided in the IToolSvc interface file.

Listing 66 The IToolSvc template methods

1: template <class T>
2: StatusCode retrieveTool( const std::string& type, T*& tool, const IInterface* parent=0, bool createIf=true ) {...}
3: template <class T>
4: StatusCode retrieveTool( const std::string& type, const std::string& name, T*& tool, const IInterface* parent=0, bool createIf=true ) {...}

The two template methods correspond to the IToolSvc retrieve methods but have the tool returned as a template parameter. Using these methods the component retrieving a tool avoids explicit dynamic-casting to specific additional interfaces or to derived classes.

Listing 67 shows an example of retrieval of a shared and of a common tool.

Listing 67 Example of retrieval of a shared tool in line 8: and of a private tool in line 14:

1: IToolSvc* toolsvc = 0;
2: sc = service( "ToolSvc", toolsvc );
3: if( sc.isFailure() ) {
4: log << MSG::FATAL << " Unable to locate Tool Service" << endreq; return sc;
5: }
6: // Example of tool belonging to the ToolSvc and shared between
7: // algorithms
8: sc = toolsvc->retrieveTool("AddFourMom", m_sum4p );
9: if( sc.isFailure() ) {
10: log << MSG::FATAL << " Unable to create AddFourMom tool" << endreq;
11: return sc;
12: }
13: // Example of private tool
14: sc = toolsvc->retrieveTool("ImpactPar", m_ip, this );
15: if( sc.isFailure() ) {
16: log << MSG::FATAL << " Unable to create ImpactPar tool" << endreq;
17: return sc;
18: }

12.4 GaudiTools

In general concrete tools are specific to applications or detectors' code but there are some tools of common utility for which interfaces and base classes can be provided. The Associators described below and contained in the GaudiTools package are one of such tools.

12.4.1 Associators

When working with Monte Carlo data it is often necessary to compare the results of reconstruction or physics analysis with the original corresponding Monte Carlo quantities on an event-by-event basis as well as on a statistical level.

Various approaches are possible to implement navigation from reconstructed simulated data back to the Monte Carlo truth information. Each of the approaches has its advantages and could be more suited for a given type of event data or data-sets. In addition the reconstruction and physics analysis code should treat simulated data in an identical way to real data.

In order to shield the code from the details of the navigation procedure, and to provide a uniform interface to the user code, a set of Gaudi Tools, called Associators , has been introduced. The user can navigate between any two arbitrary classes in the Event Model using the same interface as long as a corresponding associator has been implemented. Since an Associator retrieves existing navigational information, its actual implementation depends on the Event Model and how the navigational information is stored. For some specific Associators, in addition, it can depend on some algorithmic choices: consider as an example a physics analysis particle and a possible originating Monte Carlo particle where the associating discriminant could be the fractional number of hits used in the reconstruction of the tracks. An advantage of this approach is that the implementation of the navigation can be modified without affecting the reconstruction and analysis algorithms because it would affect only the associators. In addition short-cuts or complete navigational information can be provided to the user in a transparent way. By limiting the use of such associators to dedicated monitoring algorithms where the comparison between raw/reconstructed data and MC truth is done, one could ensure that the reconstruction and analysis code treat simulated and real data in an identical way.

Associators must implement a common interface called IAssociator . An Associator base class providing at the same time common functionality and some facilities to help in the implementation of concrete Associators is provided. A first version of these classes as well as an example of a concrete implementation are provided in the current release of Gaudi. The IAssociator Interface

As already mentioned Associators must implement the IAssociator interface.

In order for Associators to be retrieved from the ToolSvc only via the IAssociator interface, the interface itself inherits from the IAlgTool interface. While the implementation of the IAlgTool interface is done in the AlgTool base class that of the IAssociator interface is the full responsibility of concrete associators.

The four methods of the IAssociator interface that a concrete Associator must implement are show in Listing 68

Listing 68 Methods of the IAssociator Interface that must be implemented by concrete associators

1: virtual StatusCode i_retrieveDirect( ContainedObject* objFrom, ContainedObject*& objTo, const CLID idFrom, const CLID idTo ) = 0;
2: virtual StatusCode i_retrieveDirect( ContainedObject* objFrom, std::vector<ContainedObject*>& vObjTo, const CLID idFrom, const CLID idTo ) = 0;
3: virtual StatusCode i_retrieveInverse( ContainedObject* objFrom, ContainedObject*& objTo, const CLID idFrom, const CLID idTo) = 0;
4: virtual StatusCode i_retrieveInverse( ContainedObject* objFrom, std::vector<ContainedObject*>& vObjTo, const CLID idFrom, const CLID idTo) = 0;

Two i_retrieveDirect methods must be implemented for retrieving associated classes following the same direction as the links in the data: for example from reconstructed particles to Monte Carlo particles. The first parameter is a pointer to the object for which the associated Monte Carlo quantity(ies) is requested. The second parameter, the discriminating signature between the two methods, is one or a vector of pointers to the associated Monte Carlo objects of the type requested. Some reconstructed quantities will have only one possible Monte Carlo associated object of a certain type, some will have many, others will have many out of which a "best" associated object can be extracted. If one of the two methods is not valid for a concrete associator, such method must return a failure. The third and fourth parameters are the class IDs of the objects for which the association is requested. This allows to verify at run time if the objects' types are those the concrete associator has been implemented for.

The two i_retrieveInverse methods are complementary and are for retrieving the association between the same two classes but in the opposite direction to that of the links in the data: from Monte Carlo particles to reconstructed particles. The different name is intended to alert the user that navigation in this direction may be a costly operation

Four corresponding template methods are implemented in IAssociator to facilitate the use of Associators by Algorithms (see Listing 69). Using these methods the component retrieving a tool avoids some explicit dynamic-casting as well as the setting of class IDs. An example of how to use such methods is described in section

Listing 69 Template methods of the IAssociator interface

1: template <class T1, class T2> StatusCode retrieveDirect( T1* from, T2*& to ) {...}
2: template <class T1> StatusCode retrieveDirect( T1* from, std::vector<ContainedObject*>& objVTo, const CLID idTo ) {...}
3: template <class T1, class T2> StatusCode retrieveInverse( T1* from, T2*& to ) {...}
4: template <class T1> StatusCode retrieveInverse( T1* from, std::vector<ContainedObject*>& objVTo, const CLID idTo ) {...} The Associator base class

An associator is a type of AlgTool, so the Associator base class inherits from the AlgTool base class. This allows for Associators to be created and managed as AlgTools by the ToolSvc . Since all the methods of the AlgTool base class as described in section are available in the Associator base class, only the additional functionality is described here.

Access to Event Data Service -
An eventSvc() method is provided to access the Event Data Service since most concrete associators will need to access data, in particular if accessing navigational short-cuts.
Associator Properties -
Two properties are declared in the constructor and can be set in the jobOptions: " FollowLinks " and " DataLocation ". They are respectively a bool with initial value true and a std::string with initial value set to " ". The first is foreseen to be used by an associator when it is possible to either follow links between classes or retrieve navigational short cuts from the data. A user can choose to set either behaviour at run time. The second property contains the location in the data where the stored navigational information is located. Currently it must be set via the jobOptions when necessary, as shown in Listing 70 for particular implementation provided in the Associator example. Two corresponding methods are provided for using the information from these properties: followLinks() and whichTable() .
Inverse Association -
Retrieving information in the direction opposite to that of the links in the data is in general a time consuming operation, that implies checking all the direct associations to access the inverse relation for a specified object. For this reason Associators should keep a local copy of the inverse associations after receiving the first request for an event. A few methods are provided to facilitate the work of Associators in this case. The methods inverseExist () and setInverseFlag(bool) help in keeping track of the status of the locally kept inverse information.The method buildInverse () has to be overridden by concrete associators since they choose in which form to keep the information and should be called by the associator when receiving the first request during the processing of an event.
Locally kept information -
An associator needs to reset its status to the same conditions as those after having been created when a new event is processed. In order to be notified of such an incident happening the Associator base class implements the IListener interface and, in the constructor, register itself with the Incident Service (see section 11.9 for details of the Incident Service). The associator ' s flushCache () method is called in the implementation of the IListener interface in the Associator base class. This method must be overridden by concrete associators wanting to do a meaningful reset of the their initial status. A concrete example

With the current release of Gaudi an example implementation of a specific associator is provided in the Associator example of the GaudiExamples package. Some of the choices in the example are related to the specific classes for which the associator ( AxPart2MCParticleAsct ) has been implemented and on how the information is available in the data files and should be regarded as such.

The AxPart2MCParticleAsct provides association between physics analysis particles ( AxPartCandidate ) and the corresponding Monte Carlo particles ( MCParticle ). The direct navigational information is stored in the persistent data as short-cuts and is retrieved in the form of a SmartRefTable in the Transient Event Store. This choice is specific to AxPart2MCParticleAsct , any associator can use internally a different navigational mechanism. The location in the Event Store where the navigational information can be found is set in the jobOptions via the setting of the " DataLocation " property, as shown in Listing 70.

Listing 70 Example of setting properties for an associator via jobOptions

ToolSvc.AxPart2MCParticleAsct.DataLocation = "/Event/Anal/AxPart2MCParticle";

In the current LHCb data model only a single MCParticle can be associated to one AxPartCandidate and vice-versa only one or no AxPartCandidate can be associated to one MCParticle . For this reason only the i_retrieveDirect and i_retrieveInverse methods providing one-to-one association are meaningful. Both methods verify that the objects passed are of the correct type before attempting to retrieve the information, as show in Listing 71. When an association is not found a StatusCode::FAILURE is returned.

Listing 71 Checking if objects to be associated are of the correct type

1: if ( idFrom != AxPartCandidate::classID() ){
2: objTo = 0;
3: return StatusCode::FAILURE;
4: }
5: if ( idTo != MCParticle::classID() ) {
6: objTo = 0;
7: return StatusCode::FAILURE;
8: }

The i_retrieveInverse method providing the one-to-many association returns a failure, while a fake implementation of the one-to-many i_retriveDirect method is implemented in the example to show how an Algorithm can use such method. In the AxPart2MCParticleAsct example the inverse table is kept locally and both the buildInverse () and flushCache () methods are overridden. In the example the choice has been made to implement an additional method buildDirect () to retrieve the direct navigational information on a first request per event basis.

In Listing 72 it is shown how a monitoring Algorithm can get an associator from the ToolSvc and use it to retrieve associated objects through the template interfaces.

Listing 72 Extracted code from the AsctExampleAlgorithm

1: #include "GaudiTools/IAssociator.h"
2: // Example of retrieving an associator
3: IAssociator
4: StatusCode sc = toolsvc->retrieveTool("AxPart2MCParticleAsct", m_pAsct);
5: if( sc.isFailure() ) {
6: log << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to create Associator tool" << endreq;
7: return sc;
8: }
9: // Example of retrieving inverse one-to-one information from an
10: // associator
11: SmartDataPtr<MCParticleVector> vmcparts (evt,"/MC/MCParticles");
12: for( MCParticleVector::iterator itm = vmcparts->begin(); vmcparts->end() != itm; itm++) {
13: AxPartCandidate* mptry = 0;
14: StatusCode sc = m_pAsct->retrieveInverse( *itm, mptry );
15: if( sc.isSuccess() ) {...}
16: else {...}
17: }
18: // Example of retrieving direct one-to-many information from an
19: // associator
20: SmartDataPtr<AxPartCandidateVector> candidates(evt, "/Anal/AxPartCandidates");
21: std::vector<ContainedObject*> pptry;
22: AxPartCandidate* itP = *(candidates->begin());
23: StatusCode sa = m_pAsct->retrieveDirect(itP, pptry, MCParticle::classID());
24: if( sa.isFailure() ) {...}
25: else {
26: for (std::vector<ContainedObject*>::iterator it = pptry.begin(); pptry.end() != it; it++ ) {
27: MCParticle* imc = dynamic_cast<MCParticle*>( *it );
28: }
29: }

1. In this chapter we will use an Algorithm as example component requesting tools.

2. The releaseTool method is not available in this release