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Chapter 16
Framework packages, interfaces and libraries
16.1 Overview
It is clearly important to decompose large software systems into hierarchies of smaller and more manageable entities. This decomposition can have important consequences for implementation related issues, such as compile-time and link dependencies, configuration management, etc. A package is the grouping of related components into a cohesive physical entity. A package is also the minimal unit of software release.
In this chapter we describe the Gaudi package structure, and how these packages are implemented in libraries.
16.2 Gaudi Package Structure
The Gaudi software is decomposed into the packages shown in Figure 16.1.
Figure 16.1 Package structure of the Gaudi software
At the lower level we find GaudiKernel, which is the framework itself, and whose only dependency is on the GaudiPolicy package, which contains the various flags defining the CMT [7] configuration management environment needed to build the Gaudi software. At the next level are the packages containing standard framework components (GaudiSvc, GaudiDb, GaudiTools, GaudiAlg, GaudiAud), which depend on the framework and on widely available foundation libraries such as CLHEP and HTL. These external libraries are accessed via CMT interface packages which use environment variables defined in the ExternalLibs package, which should be tailored to the software installation at a given site. All the above packages are grouped into the GaudiSys set of packages which are the minimal set required for a complete Gaudi installation
The remaining packages are optional packages which can be used according to the specific technology choices for a given application. In this distribution, there are two specific implementations of the histogram persistency service, based on HBOOK (HbookCnv) and ROOT (RootHistCnv) and one implementation of the event data persistency service (GaudiRootDb) which understands ROOT databases. There is also a prototype scripting service (SIPython) depending on the Python scripting language. Finally, at the top level we find the applications (GaudiExamples) which depend on GaudiSys and the scripting and persistency services.
In addition to the Gaudi packages, there are a number of LHCb specific packages built on top of Gaudi, as shown in Figure 16.2. DetDesc gives access to the detector description data stored in XML files in XmlDDDB package. These files can be edited with the XmlEditor. The LHCbEvent package contains the LHCb event data model. The event data is populated from SICB files via converters (SicbCnv package) and can be written out to other persistency technologies via converters in the DbCnv package. The SicbCnv converters depend on some of the Fortran packages of SICB (in particular Futio and Finclude) and give access to certain SICB facilities, such as the magnetic field. The GiGa package interfaces Gaudi to GEANT4. Finally, there is a large number of examples, each of which has its own package.
16.2.1 Gaudi Package Layout
Figure 16.2 Package structure of the LHCb Gaudi software
Figure 16.3 shows the layout for Gaudi packages. Note that the binaries directories are not in CVS, they are created by CMT when building a package.
16.2.2 Packaging Guidelines
Figure 16.3 Layout of Gaudi software packages
Packaging is an important architectural issue for the Gaudi framework, but also for the experiment specific software packages based on Gaudi. Typically, experiment packages consist of:
· Specific event model
· Specific detector description
· Sets of algorithms (digitisation, reconstruction, etc.)
The packaging should be such as to minimise the dependencies between packages, and must absolutely avoid cyclic dependencies. The granularity should not be too small or too big. Care should be taken to identify the external interfaces of packages: if the same interfaces are shared by many packages, they should be promoted to a more basic package that the others would then depend on. It is a good idea to discuss your packaging with the librarian and/or architect.
16.3 Interfaces in Gaudi
One of the main design choices at the architecture level in Gaudi was to favour abstract interfaces when building collaborations of various classes. This is the way we best decouple the client of a class from its real implementation.
An abstract interface in C++ is a class where all the methods are pure virtual. We have defined some practical guidelines for defining interfaces. An example is shown in Listing 16.1:
From this example we can make the following observations:
· Interface Naming. The name of the class has to start with capital "I" to denote that it is an interface.
· Derived from IInterface. We follow the convention that all interfaces should be derived from a basic interface IInterface. This interface defined 3 methods: addRef(), release() and queryInterface(). This methods allow the framework to manage the reference counting of the framework components and the possibility to obtain a different interface of a component using any interface (see later).
· Pure Abstract Methods. All the methods should be pure abstract (virtual ReturnType method(...) = 0;) With the exception of the static method interfaceID() (see later) and some inline templated methods to facilitate the use of the interface by the end-user.
· Interface ID. Each interface should have a unique identification (see later) used by the query interface mechanism.
16.3.1 Interface ID
We needed to introduce an interface ID for identifying interfaces for the queryInterface functionality. The interface ID is made of a numerical identifier that needs to be allocated off-line, and a major and minor version numbers. The version number is used to decide if the interface the service provider is returning is compatible with the interface the client is expecting. The rules for deciding if the interface request is compatible are:
· The interface identifier is the same
· The major version is the same
· The minor version of the client is less than or equal to the one of the service provider. This allows the service provider to add functionality (incrementing minor version number) keeping old clients still compatible.
The interface ID is defined in the same header file as the rest of the interface. Care should be taken of globally allocating the interface identifier, and of modifying the version whenever a change of the interface is required, according to the rules. Of course changes to interfaces should be minimized.
The static method Ixxx::interfaceID() is useful for the implementation of templated methods and classes using an interface as template parameter. The construct T::interfaceID() returns the interface ID of interface T.
static const InterfaceID IID_Ixxx(2 /*id*/, 1 /*major*/, 0 /*minor*/);
class Ixxx : public IInterface {
. . .
static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { return IID_Ixxx; }
16.3.2 Query Interface
The method queryInterface() is used to request a reference to an interface implemented by a component within the Gaudi framework. This method is implemented by each component class of the framework. Typically, this is not very visible since it is done in the base class from which you inherit. A typical implementation is shown in Listing 16.2:
The implementation returns the corresponding interface pointer if there is a match between the received InterfaceID and the implemented one. The method versionMatch() takes into account the rules mentioned in Section 16.3.1.
If the requested interface is not recognized at this level (line 9), the call can be forwarded to the inherited base class or possible sub-components of this component.
16.4 Libraries in Gaudi
Two different sorts of library can be identified that are relevant to the framework. These are component libraries, and linker libraries. These libraries are used for different purposes and are built in different ways.
16.4.1 Component libraries
Component libraries are shared libraries that contain standard framework components which implement abstract interfaces. Such components are Algorithms, Auditors, Services, Tools or Converters. These libraries do not export their symbols apart from one which is used by the framework to discover what components are contained by the library. Thus component libraries should not be linked against, they are used purely at run-time, being loaded dynamically upon request, the configuration being specified by the job options file. Changes in the implementation of a component library do not require the application to be relinked.
Component libraries contain factories for their components, and it is important that the factory entries are declared and loaded correctly. The following sections describe how this is done.
When a component library is loaded, the framework attempts to locate a single entrypoint, called getFactoryEntries(). This is expected to declare and load the component factories from the library. Several macros are available to simplify the declaration and loading of the components via this function.
Consider a simple package MyComponents, that declares and defines the MyAlgorithm class, being a subclass of Algorithm, and the MyService class, being a subclass of Service. Thus the package will contain the header and implementation files for these classes (MyAlgorithm.h, MyAlgorithm.cpp, MyService.h and MyService.cpp) in addition to whatever other files are necessary for the correct functioning of these components.
In order to satisfy the requirements of a component library, two additional files must also be present in the package. One is used to declare the components, the other to load them. Because of the technical limitations inherent in the use of shared libraries, it is important that these two files remain separate, and that no attempt is made to combine their contents into a single file.
The names of these files and their contents are described in the following sections. Declaring Components
Components within the component library are declared in a file MyComponents_entries.cpp. By convention, the name of this file is the package name concatenated with _entries. The contents of this file are shown below:
1. The argument to the DECLARE_FACTORY_ENTRIES statement is the name of the component library.
2. Each component within the library should be declared using one of the DECLARE_XXX statements discussed in detail in the next Section. Component declaration statements
The complete set of statements that are available for declaring components is given below. They include those that support C++ classes in different namespaces, as well as for DataObjects or ContainedObjects using the generic converters.
1. Declarations of the form DECLARE_GENERIC_CONVERTER(X) are used to declare the generic converters for DataObject and ContainedObject classes. For DataObject classes, the argument should be the class name itself (e.g. EventHeader), whereas for ContainedObject classes, the argument should be the class name concatenated with either List or Vector (e.g. CellVector) depending on whether the objects are associated with an ObjectList or ObjectVector.
2. Declarations of this form are used to declare components from explicit C++ namespaces. The first argument is the namespace (e.g. Atlfast), the second is the class name (e.g. CellMaker). Loading Components
Components within the component library are loaded in a file MyComponents_load.cpp. By convention, the name of this file is the package name concatenated with _load. The contents of this file are shown below:
1. The argument of LOAD_FACTORY_ENTRIES is the name of the component library.
Listing 16.5 The MyComponents_load.cpp file
#include "GaudiKernel/LoadFactoryEntries.h"
LOAD_FACTORY_ENTRIES( MyComponents ) [1] Specifying component libraries at run-time
The fragment of the job options file that specifies the component library at run-time is shown below.
1. This is a list property, allowing multiple such libraries to be specified in a single line.
Listing 16.6 Selecting and running the desired tutorial example
ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "MyComponents" }; [1]
2. It is important to use the "+=" syntax to append the new component library or libraries to any that might already have been configured.
The convention in Gaudi is that component libraries have the same name as the package they belong to (prefixed by "lib" on Linux). When trying to load a component library, the framework will look for it in various places following this sequence:
- Look for an environment variable with the name of the package, suffixed by "Shr" (e.g. ${MyComponentsShr}). If it exists, it should translate to the full name of the library, without the file type suffix (e.g. ${MyComponentsShr} ="$MYSOFT/MyComponents/v1/i386_linux22/libMyComponents" ).
- Try to locate the file libMyComponents.so using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on Linux), or MyComponents.dll using the PATH (on Windows).
16.4.2 Linker libraries
These are libraries containing implementation classes. For example, libraries containing code of a number of base classes or specific classes without abstract interfaces, etc. These libraries, contrary to the component libraries, export all the symbols and are needed during the linking phase in the application building. These libraries can be linked to the application "statically" or "dynamically", requiring a different file format. In the first case the code is added physically to the executable file. In this case, changes in these libraries require the application to be re-linked, even if these changes do not affect the interfaces. In the second case, the linker only adds into the executable minimal information required for loading the library and resolving the symbols at run time. Locating and loading the proper shareable library at run time is done exclusively using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Linux and PATH for Windows. The convention in Gaudi is that linker libraries have the same name as the package, suffixed by "Lib" (and prefixed by "lib" on Linux, e.g. libMyComponentsLib.so).
16.4.3 Library strategy and dual purpose libraries
Because component libraries are not designed to be linked against, it is important to separate the functionalities of these libraries from linker libraries. For example, consider the case of a DataProvider service that provides DataObjects for clients. It is important that the declarations and definitions of the DataObjects be handled by a different shared library than that handling the service itself. This implies the presence of two different packages - one for the component library, the other for the DataObjects. Clients should only depend on the second of these packages. Obviously the package handling the component library will in general also depend on the second package.
It is possible to have dual purpose libraries - ones which are simultaneously component and linker libraries. In general such libraries will contain DataObjects and ContainedObjects, together with their converters and associated factories. It is recommended that such dual purpose libraries be separated from single purpose component or linker libraries. Consider the case where several Algorithms share the use of several DataObjects (e.g. where one Algorithm creates them and registers them with the transient event store, and another Algorithm locates them), and also share the use of some helper classes in order to decode and manipulate the contents of the DataObjects. It is recommended that three different packages be used for this - one pure component package for the Algorithms, one dual-purpose for the DataObjects, and one pure linker package for the helper classes.
16.4.4 Building and linking with the libraries
Gaudi libraries and applications are built using CMT taking advantage of the CMT macros defined in the GaudiPolicy package. As an example, the CMT requirements file of the GaudiTools package is shown in Listing 16.7. The linker and component libraries are defined on lines 23 and 26 respectively - the linker library is defined first because it must be built ahead of the component library. Lines 28 and 34 set up the generic linker options and flags for the linker library, which are suffixed by the package specific flags set up by line 35. Line 31 tells CMT to generate the symbols needed for the component library, while line 33 sets up the corresponding linker flags for the component library. Finally, line 30 updates LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or PATH on Windows) for this package. In packages with only a component library and no linker library, line 30 could be replaced by "apply_pattern packageShr", which would create the logical name required to access the component library by the first of the two methods described in Section
16.4.5 Linking FORTRAN code
Any library containing FORTRAN code (more specifically, code that references COMMON blocks) must be linked statically. This is because COMMON blocks are, by definition, static entities. When mixing C++ code with FORTRAN, it is recommended to build separate libraries for the C++ and FORTRAN, and to write the code in such a way that communication between the C++ and FORTRAN worlds is done exclusively via wrappers. This makes it possible to build shareable libraries for the C++ code, even if it calls FORTRAN code internally. An example of a wrapper is the class SicbFunctions in the file src/static/SicbFortran.cpp (SICB/SicbCnv package).
In cases where the FORTRAN calls are confined to a few well identified C++ algorithms, it may be more convenient to include the algorithms in the static library, removing the need for the wrapper class. A good example of this is the SICB/CaloSicbCnv package. The /src directory contains two subdirectories: /static for code going in the static library (including all FORTRAN code), and /component for code going in the C++ component library. Note that in the /cmt/requirements file, the link options explicitly request static linking of the CaloSicbBackCnv_LoadRef file, in order to statically link the CaloSicbBackCnv algorithm and all the FORTRAN functions which it calls.
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