Presentations about LHCb reconstruction

This page last edited by MC on February 22, 2008.

The following is a compilation of presentations concerning reconstruction in LHCb. It is certainly not complete. If your favourite presentation does not appear in this list, please let me know....

18th February 2008, LHCC comprehensive review
- Physics software preparation for 1st physics (T.Ruf)

11th September 2007, Plenary I, 46th LHCb week (St.Nectaire)
- Plans for Boole & Brunel (DC06 re-processing, new developments, preparing for real data)

9th May 2007, 30th Software week
- Brunel status and plans (v30r*, v31r* and beyond)

4th October 2006, 28th Software week
- Brunel status (v30r9, v30r10)

20th June 2006, 27th Software week
- Brunel status (v30r4, readiness for DC06)

26th April 2006, 26th Software week
- Brunel status and plans (progress towards DC06 implementation)
- Pattern recognition status (includes discussion on Tsa)
- Setting ST cluster thresholds
- Velo tracking versus cluster thresholds
- Tracking in LHCb (status report on migration to new track model)
- Primary vertexing
- PID status

4th March 2005, 21st Software week
- Boole/Brunel status and plans

15th September 2004, 18th Software week
- Reconstruction and Reprocessing (Event sizes, CPU estimates, 2kHz requirements)

20th, 21st November 2003, Amsterdam Tracking Workshop

M.Cattaneo, "Boole and Brunel status" presentation at the 15th software week, 12th November 2003

11th June 2003, 14th Software week
- Digitization and Reconstruction (TDR support, Short term developments, Towards DC’04)

31st March, 1st April 2003, Liverpool Tracking Workshop

28th January 2003, LHCC comprehensive review
- Detector simulation and tracking overview
- Velo Tracking and Forward Tracking
- Performance results and robustness tests
- L1 performance

28th, 29th September 2002, Zurich Tracking Workshop

19th September 2002, Cambridge LHCb week computing meeting
- Brunel status and plans

30th July 2002, LHCb-Light meeting
- Brunel status

23rd July 2002, LHCb-Light meeting
- Brunel status

16th July 2002, LHCb-Light meeting
- Brunel status

9th July 2002, LHCb-Light meeting
- Brunel status

25th June 2002, LHCb-Light meeting
- Brunel status

20th June 2002, 11th LHCb software week
- Brunel status

30th May 2002, LHCb week, Computing meeting
- Brunel status and plans 

6th March 2002, 10th LHCb software week
- Status and plans for migration to new event model - Brunel, Trigger, VELO, IT, OT+Tracking, RICH, CALO, Muon

21st February 2002, LHCb week computing meeting
- Brunel Status Report

4th February 2002, Weekly computing meeting
- Status of Brunel v9r0

24th October 2001, 9th LHCb software week
- Brunel Status Report
- Storing Brunel Objects - design of an OO DST

21st June 2001, 8th LHCb software week
- Status and plans for Brunel v3r2, VELO, Trigger, Tracking, RICH, CALO, Muon

28th May 2001, Weekly computing meeting
- Brunel v3 status, plans, new features

10th May 2001, LHCb week, Computing meeting
- Status of SICBMC and Brunel for Tracking and Trigger TDR productions

23rd April 2001, Weekly computing meeting
- Planning of next Brunel release

2nd April 2001, Weekly computing meeting
- Planning of next Brunel release

30th March 2001, 7th LHCb software week, Reconstruction session
- Status and plans for Brunel v2, VELO, Trigger, Tracking, RICH, CALO, Muon, PID, Analysis Tools
- Plans for next production version
- Requirements for physics performance studies

15th February 2001, LHCb week, Computing meeting
- Status of Brunel

30th November 2000, LHCb week, Computing meeting
- Brunel status and plans

2nd November 2000, 6th LHCb software week
Production session
- Status of Brunel commissioning
Application Software session
- New features of Brunel
- Status of C++ migration: VELO, Tracking, RICH, CALO, L0/CALO, Muon, L0/Muon

27th September 2000, LHCb week, Computing meeting
- Brunel status and plans

28th August 2000, Weekly computing meeting
- Draft Brunel conventions

6th July 2000, 5th LHCb software week, Brunel session
- Status of Brunel v1 verification and plan for retirement of SICBDST (.pdf, .ppt)
- Status and plans of C++ migration: VELO+L1, Tracking, RICH, CALO+L0, Muon+L0, Muon Digi
- Status of Brunel team and next steps (.pdf, .ppt)

23rd May 2000,
Weekly computing meeting
- Migration Status and plans (SICBDST and BRUNEL) (.pdf, .ppt)

23rd February 2000, LHCb week, Computing meeting
- Splitting of SICb: SICBMC SICBDST and BRUNEL (.pdf, .ppt)
- status of treatment of pile-up events (.pdf, .ppt)
- Reports from subdetector groups: calorimeter, muon (.pdf, .ppt), RICH (.pdf, .ppt), VELO / L1 trigger (.pdf, .ps), tracking (.pdf, .ps)

1st December 1999, LHCb week, Computing meeting
- Migration of Reconstruction and Analysis software to C++ (.pdf, .ppt

24th November 1999, 3rd LHCb software week, Reconstruction session
- Structure of reconstruction program (.ppt, .pdf)
- Status of Track Fitting framework (ps)
- Tracking pattern recognition studies (ppt)
- Status of RICH pattern recognition and integration with GAUDI (ppt)
- OO design of clustering algorithms for LHCb CALOrimeters (ppt)
- Status of Calorimeter software (pdf)
- Status of Muon Digitization Software (ppt)
- Prospects for VELO transition to GAUDI (ppt)
4th June 1999, 2nd LHCb software week, Reconstruction session
- Event reconstruction for LHCb (.ppt)

20th May 1999, Weekly computing meeting
- Event reconstruction for LHCb (.ppt)