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This page last edited by PK on November 10, 2005 .

This page contains the history of DaVinci.

It is a repository of links to previous versions and related documentation.



DaVinci Version Data Release Date Notes  (click on the version number for full details)
v14r5 RTTC data 10 Nov 2005

Final RTTC version


Based on Phys v1r5, Rec v1r5, Lbcom v2r5, LHCb v18r9, Gaudi v16r5.

Incorporates developments on physics software already released in DaVinci v12r14 fro DC04 data.

v12r14 DC04 data 19 October 2005 Updated DC04 release based on new LHCb and Gaudi

Main modifications:

  • LHCb v16r6:
    • Change in STDet that allows upgrade of VeloTT (Luis Fernandez)
  • Gaudi v15r7 backported changes:
    • New StagerSvc !only for CERN! (Hubert Degaudenzi)
    • Context for sequencers, algorithms and tools (Olivier Callot)
    • Support for -= in array job options (PK)
  • L0: New tunings (Julien Cogan & Shafik Benchouk)
  • New muon matching for L1 (Rio)
  • L1 decision tuned for new muon matching and new L0 (Thomas Schietinger).
  • Updated TrgMuon (Alessia Satta). Makes TrgMuonID obsolete -> Removed
  • OnOffline tool does not have a Set method anymore (PK). Takes On/Offline behviour from Context.  WARNING: *MUST* be used as private tool
  • HLT: Use context ("HLT") instead of ResetOnOffline algorithm (PK)
    WARNING: ResetOnOffline does not exist anymore. To run an algorithm in HLT mode do
    Algo.Context = "HLT" ;
    Sequence.Context = "HLT" ; 
  • New TrgTrack2StoredTrack "association" tool available (Vladimir Gligorov)
  • New MomentumMotherDirectionFilterCriterion (Federica Legger)
  • MuonID: MuonIDNSharedHitsTool released (Erica Polycarpo)
  • BTaggingTool uses NoSharedHit Tool (Marco Musy)
  • Bug fix in parabolic transporter (Matt Needham)
  • Corrected Run number bug (PK)
  • Writing out of Raw/Velo on DST mandatory (noticed by tagging group)
  • New package PVEff for PV efficiency on and offline (Mariusz Witek)
  • New PVReFitter allowing to remove signal tracks from the PV and refit (Yuehong Xie)
  • Updated tampering (Mariusz Witek)
  • Many updates in physics selections
  • Options for writing L0TDR DST released (PK)
  • Stripping now considers DC04 selections (PK)


v12r13 DC04 data  24 August 2005 Updated DC04 release

Based on Gaudi v15r6 and LHCb v16r5. Includes LoKi v3r14p1.

Main modifications:

  •  L0 and L1 Triggers: New options for high luminosity samples. Simply add
        #include "$L0DUROOT/options/L0-lumi3e32.opts"
        #include "$L1DECISIONROOT/options/L1-lumi3e32.opts"

        #include "$L0DUROOT/options/L0-lumi5e32.opts"
        #include "$L1DECISIONROOT/options/L1-lumi5e32.opts"

    to your options. See http://erodrigu.home.cern.ch/erodrigu/lhcb/trigger/L0/bwd.html#200505 and http://tschieti.home.cern.ch/tschieti/lhcb/L1/highLumi.html
    • L1 retuned. No cut on number of PVs anymore. Warning: different results than from DC04v2 stripping to be expected.
  • HLT:
    • HltGeneric is always run. The explicit inclusion of $HLTGENERICROOT/options/HltGeneric.opts is not necessary anymore. Just do
       // Run HLT generic and HLT selections
      #include "$HLTSELECTIONSROOT/options/HLTSelections.opts"
    • TrgParticleMaker now knows how to make protons and Bremsstrahlung-corrected electrons.
  • PhysDesktop: New method that returns the primary vertex as PrimVertex. Usage:
         std::vector<const PrimVertex*> primaries = desktop()->primaryVertices<PrimVertex>() ;
  • Kernel/IJetMaker.h. New jet finding tools. See Phys/DaVinciKernel release.notes.
  • New CheckSelResultsTool (ICheckSelResults) that checks for SelResults. See Tools/Utilities release.notes.
  • Memory leaks fixes in Tampering and BTagging.
  • The stripping scripts have been rewritten.
v14r4 RTTC data 26 Jul 2005

RTTC legacy version


Based on Phys v1r4, Rec v1r4, Lbcom v2r4, LHCb v18r8, Gaudi v16r5.

Fixes many small problems found during RTTC.

Warning: Due to a new version of LoKi, the stripping does not run with this
version. Fixed in head of relevant packages.

v12r12 DC04 data  07 July 2005

Updated DC04v2 version

v14r3 RTTC data 1 Jul 2005

RTTC version released in parallel with Moore v1r1 and Euler v1r1

v14r2 RTTC data 15 Jun 2005

RTTC version released in parallel with Moore v1r0 and Euler v1r0

v14r1 RTTC data 31 May 2005

Backward incompatible with DC04 data. Able to read RTTC dst and raw data.

v12r11 DC04 data  20 May 2005

HLT Release and updated DC04v2 stripping version

v14r0 RTTC data 18 May 2005 First version based on the new projects architecture.
v13r1   28 April 2004

First version able to read RTTC data.

Based on Gaudi v16r3, LHCb v18r3 and Lbcom v1r3. Includes LoKi v3r11p1.


Now based on ROOT 4.03.02.

v13r0   10 March 2005

Backward-incompatible version released in parallel with v12r8. Included packages are the same wherever possible.

Based on Gaudi v16r2, LHCb v18r1 and Lbcom v1r1. Includes LoKi v3r9p1.

v12r10 DC04 data  13 May 2005

HLT Release version.


Based on Gaudi v15r5 and LHCb v16r4. Includes LoKi v3r11.

v12r9 DC04 data 24 March 2005

Backward-compatible version for DC04v2 stripping.


Updated stripping preselections. See discussion at 1/3/2005 Tuesday meeting.

Based on Gaudi v15r5 and LHCb v16r4. Includes LoKi v3r10.

v12r8 DC04 data 9 March 2005

Backward-compatible version released in parallel with v13r0. Includes packages are the same wherever possible.

Based on Gaudi v15r5 and LHCb v16r4. Includes LoKi v3r9.


v12r7 DC04 data 16 February 2005

Backward-compatible HLT development version.

Based on Gaudi v15r5 and LHCb v16r4. Includes LoKi v3r9.

v12r6 DC04 data 2005-01-19

Backward-compatible HLT development version. Based on Gaudi v15r3 with patched GaudiPoolDb and LHCb v16r3. Includes LoKi v3r7.


New version with some modifications and many additions.

First full release of HLT. For experts only.

v12r5 DC04 data 2004-12-02

Backward-compatible development version. Based on Gaudi v15r3 with patched GaudiPoolDb and LHCb v16r3. Includes LoKi v3r6.


New version with some modifications and many additions. All changes that could interfere with the stripping but where not needed appear in this version.

Also there are many new features to allow the development of the HLT.

v12r4 DC04 data 2004-11-16

Updated stripping version. Based on Gaudi v15r3 and LHCb v16r3. Includes LoKi v3r5p1.


Version including a new version of the L1 trigger, corrected for the VeloTT bug and with a new tuning.

v12r3 DC04 data 2004-10-28

Stripping version. Based on Gaudi v15r3 and LHCb v16r3. Includes LoKi v3r5p1.


Version based on a bug-fixed GaudiSvc and correcting for the ParticleFilter bug.

v12r2 DC04 data 2004-10-13

Stripping version. Based on Gaudi v15r2 and LHCb v16r2. Includes LoKi v3r5. Warning: BUGGY ParticleFilter!


Version including updated stripping tools and a retuned L1 providing 40 kHz on MB. To be used in stripping.

v12r1 DC04 data 2004-09-21

Development version. Based on Gaudi v15r2 and LHCb v16r2. Includes LoKi v3r4p2. Warning: BUGGY ParticleFilter!


Development version including new features in the trigger and the HLT.


This version also includes the new Stripping tools to be used for stripping tests.

v12r0 DC04 data 2004-08-26

Development version. Based on Gaudi v15r1 and LHCb v16r1. Includes LoKi v3r4p1.


First version based on the latest Gaudi release, and the new CMT environment.

v11r13 DC04 data 2004-08-23

Last version that allows reading of TDR data. The last version that is fully compatible with the TDR (i.e. allows to re-run the trigger or the reconstruction) is v9r4.


Version for DC'04 production tests. Based on Gaudi v14r6 with patched GaudiAlg and LHCb v15r14. Includes LoKi v3r3.


Version used for HLT tests. Particles can be made from Trg tracks and used in most Tools and Algorithms.

v11r12 DC04 data 2004-08-03

Version for DC'04 production tests. Based on Gaudi v14r6 with patched GaudiAlg and LHCb v15r14. Includes LoKi v2r8p1.


Many small modifications to prepare for v12r0 that will be based on Gaudi v15.

  • Event/L1Event and Event/HltEvent are obsolete and have been removed from LHCb v15r14. All calls to these classes have either been corrected or commented out. Use the TrgEvent class instead.

  • AIDA, CERNLIB should not be defined as "used" packages but imported at compilation.

  • Phys/DaVinciChecks and Phys/DaVinciTest have been merged as Phys/DaVinciTest.

  • Because of a bug in Gaudi, CaloDigitsFromRaw has to be executed in DaVinciCommon.opts. This is a temporary patch.

v11r11 DC04 data



Version for DC'04 production tests. Based on Gaudi v14r6 with patched GaudiAlg and LHCb v15r13. Includes LoKi v2r8.


Many, many changes. Please test this version before it goes into DC'04 production...

v11r10 DC04 data

Version for DC'04 production tests. Based on Gaudi v14r6 with patched GaudiAlg and LHCb v15r13. Includes LoKi v2r7.


Major bug fixes:

  • LoKi v2r7 corrects a bug that affected DaVinci v11r9

  • Patched GaudiAlg fixes a bug affecting B2XGamma.

Minor modifications:

  • DecodeSimpleDecayString (in DaVinciTools) extracted from CombineParticles (in PhysSelections)

  • Some preselections updated. See below.

v11r9 DC04 data 2004-06-29

Version for DC'04 production tests. Based on Gaudi v14r6 and LHCb v15r12. Includes LoKi v2r6. Is used by Bender v3r3.


Many new features:

  • The Phys/DaVinciAssociators have been updated. The old way still works, but the new version is faster and easier to use. The DaVinciAssociators User Guide will be updated soon. Have a look at the slides from Software week or at the release notes.

  • The efficiency algorithm in Phys/DaVinciEff has been rewritten. It allows to calculate the reconstruction efficiency for any decay. Have a look at he slides from Software week. A note is expected soon. There are example option files in the DaVinciEff/v3r0/options folder.

  • CombineParticles (in Phys/PhysSelections): a new algorithm that allows to reconstruct any decay using only job options. Look at example option files in the Bs2JpsiPhi and Bu2LLK packages.

  • PVIPFilterCriterion (in Phys/DaVinciTools) allows to filter particles according to their IP (or IP significance) to the reconstructed PVs. Works also for the pointing requirement for the B.

  • ParticleMakerSeq (in Phys/DaVinciTools): A sequencer of particle makers. Allows to avoid PreLoadParticles.

  • DumpEvent (in Phys/DaVinciMCTools): Dumps the event using the debug tool.

  • EventNumber (in Tools/Utilities): A tool that returns the number of events processed (waiting for Gaudi to provide it...).

  • PostScaler (in Tools/Utilities): The algorithm that is going to be executed at the end of each preselection sequencer. Forces the output rate to be 1/1000.

  • Tools/Stripping: The new package that manages the stripping.

  • The Trigger has been completely upgraded.

  • With Gaudi v15r6 comes the new GaudiSequencer, with an OR mode and many more goodies.

This version compiles on Windows. Please use it and report any problems.

v11r8 DC04 data 2004-06-04

Version allowing preselection responsibles to tighten their cuts for DC'04 stripping. Based on Gaudi v14r5 and LHCb v15r11. Uses LoKi v2r5p1.


Many small modifications in many packages.


The DaVinciUser practical example has been updated. Have a look.


This version compiles on Windows. Please use it and report any problems.


TDR data can be read but not all features are supported beside decay channel selections because of changes to LHCb packages (Event or Detector). Possible to perform analysis with Pool input.

v11r7 DC04 data  2004-05-08

Another major step towards DC'04. Based on Gaudi v14r5 and LHCb v15r9. Uses LoKi v2r4.


Now BTagging writes it's output to TES. All other Flavour Tagging code is obsolete and removed from DaVinci. The file IFlavourTagging.h is still there, but only to allow LoKi to compile. There's nothing behind it. Don't use it!


The L1Decision unit and the HLT are back. Trigger experts can use this version to optimize the trigger for DC04. Other users should not rely on the trigger results yet.


Many user selections for DC'04, following these guidelines, are made available. Don't hesitate to submit more code. DC'04 will start mid of May for DaVinci.


This version compiles on Windows. Please use it and report any problems.


TDR data can be read but not all features are supported beside decay channel selections because of changes to LHCb packages (Event or Detector). Possible to perform analysis with Pool input.

v11r6 DC04 data  2004-04-27

Major step towards DC'04. Based on Gaudi v14r5 and LHCb v15r8. Uses LoKi v2r3.


DaVinci includes the Trigger again. Use this version to optimize the trigger for DC04.


The first user selections for DC'04, following these guidelines, are made available. Don't hesitate to submit more code. DC'04 will start mid of May for DaVinci.


Renaming of tracks (at least replace upstream() by isDownstream() to be able to compile).


The RICH Flavour tagging information is now available with POOL persistency.


This version compiles on Windows. Please use it and report any problems.


TDR data can be read but not all features are supported beside decay channel selections because of changes to LHCb packages (Event or Detector). Possible to perform analysis with Pool input.

v9r4 TDR data 2004-04-09

DaVinci v9r4 is an updated version fully compatible with TDR data. It is identical with DaVinci v9r3 except for some geometry-independent improvements introduced in versions v10 to v11r5. In particular there are several bug fixes in the DaVinci(MC)Tools and a new version of the B Tagging.

Also some new decay selections are introduced or updated.


Note that this is a branch, hence no developments based on this version are supported. Please base your changes on DaVinci v11r5 or later.


Apart from geometry changes, some backward-incompatible modifications in DaVinci v11 are not in this version. In particular DV v9r4 does not contain the new DVAlgorithm.h, hence selection following the guidelines will not run with DaVinci v9r4. Also the new track naming scheme is not applied.


People who would like to run the same algorithm with DaVinci v9r4 and DaVinci v11rX are encouraged to use precompiler flags in their requirement file

macro_append     cppflags " -DDVvnine " \
                 VisualC  " /DDVvnine "

#ifdef DVvnine



in their source code. Please leave the flags commented out in the requirements file you put in CVS.


All DaVinci v9r3 features

v11r5 DC04 data  2004-04-05

Minimal release to allow user selection maintainers to adapt their code. Based on Gaudi v14r3 and LHCb v15r5. Uses LoKi v2r2.


This version compiles on Windows. Please use it and report any problems.


Important changes already in v11r3:

New DVAlgorithm adding some features needed for parallel event stripping introduced. Please adapt decay packages to these guidelines.

Renaming of tracks (at least replace upstream() by isDownstream() to be able to compile).


TDR data can be read but not all features are supported beside decay channel selections because of changes to LHCb packages (Event or Detector). Possible to perform analysis with Pool input.

v11r4 DC04 data  2004-03-24

Minimal release to allow user selection maintainers to adapt their code. Based on Gaudi v14r3 and LHCb v15r4. Uses LoKi v2r1.

This version incorporates some bug fixes (PreLoadParticles is now a DVAlgorithm) and minor improvements compared to v11r3.

Two new selection algorithms: B2Da1Dstar and B2XGamma, which replaces B2omegaGamma, B2KstarGamma, Bs2PhiGamma.


Important changes already in v11r3:

New DVAlgorithm adding some features needed for parallel event stripping introduced. Please adapt decay packages to these rules.

Renaming of tracks (at least replace upstream() by isDownstream() to be able to compile).


TDR data can be read but not all features are supported beside decay channel selections because of changes to LHCb packages (Event or Detector). Possible to perform analysis with Pool input.

v11r3 DC04 data  2004-03-15

Minimal release to allow user selection maintainers to adapt their code. Based on Gaudi v14r3 and LHCb v15r3.

New DVAlgorithm adding some features introduced. Please adapt decay packages to these rules.

Uses LoKi v2r0.

Renaming of upstream to downstream tracks (replace ustream() by isDownstream())..

The following packages do not compile and have been removed: Bu2KsPi, Bd2JpsiKs, Bs2PiPiPi0, Bd2DstarX2D02hh, Bc2JpsiPi, Bd2D0Kstar, Bd2KstarGamma, Bd2OmegaGamma, Bd2PhiKs, Bs2DsH, Bs2PhiGamma, Bs2PhiPhi.  One new Physics selection B->D* a_1has been added. Check out the PhysSelSys Requirements.

TDR data can be read but not all features are supported beside decay channel selections because of changes to LHCb packages (Event or Detector). Possible to perform analysis with Pool input.

v11r2 DC04 data  2004-02-23

Development version to prepare for DC04, focus on support of new data. Based on Gaudi v14r1 and LHCb v15r2.

TDR data can be read but not all features are supported beside decay channel selections because of changes to LHCb packages (Event or Detector)

Old L1 reprocessing not possible on new data and removed

Use new geometry database. Changes in STDet.

Possible to perform analysis with Pool input.

v11r1 DC04 data  2004-02-18

Development version to prepare for DC04, focus on support of new data.

Based on Gaudi v14r1 and LHCb v15r1.

TDR data can be read but not all features are supported beside decay channel selections because of incompatible changes to LHCb packages. See previous version for details.

All analysis can be performed with Pool input files (GaudiRootDb requires additional event data objects in DST for neutral)

v11r0 DC04 data  2004-02-09

Development version to prepare for DC04, focus on support of new data. Based on Gaudi v14r0 and LHCb v15r0.

TDR data can be read but not all features are supported beside decay channel selections because of changes to LHCb packages (Event or Detector geometry).

Hlt have been removed, L0 and L1 reprocessing not necessary on new data and removed,  MuonID retuning for new data is not necessary. Calorimeter corrections not necessary on new data.

This new version of DaVinci is incompatible with old data for what regards checking reconstructibility (hence for the Efficiency algorithm)

Possible to save data with Pool persistency but for 2D relations tables that requires new version of Gaudi

v10r0  2004-02-05

Version only available in CVS, as intermediate version. Not available in the release area.

Development version to prepare for DC04, focus on support of new data. Based of Gaudi v13r0 and LHCb v14r0.


TDR data


TDR analysis for all of the decay channels.

In many cases both pre-selection and final selections are available.

In some cases the final selections are available through macros running on ntuple (see release notes). A complete list of TDR channels with reference to the corresponding LHCb notes and package status is available.

New version of flavour tagging available.

New preselection code integrated for stripping production (Bd->D0 (Ks p p) K*, b->D*(D0 (hh)X) p

v9r2 TDR data  2003-12-15

TDR analysis for most of the decay channels, running on TDR data

In many cases both preselection and final selections are available. In some cases the final selections are available through macros running on ntuple.

New features are the reconstruction of Photon via Pair Production and a version of High Level Trigger code where primary Vertices are included.

The Dll of the decay packages are no longer loaded via DaVinciCommon.opts and need to be explicitly loaded.

v9r1p5 TDR data  2003 -12-04 New preselection code integrated for stripping production (Bd->mu mu K*) and for Trigger filter on L0&L1
v9r1p4 TDR data  2003-11-25 New preselection code integrated for stripping production (Bd->Phi Ks)
v9r1p3 TDR data  2003-11-20 New preselection code integrated for stripping production (Bd->Omega gamma, Bu->Ks pi)
v9r1p2 TDR data  2003-10-24 New preselection code integrated for stripping production (Bd->D+D-, Bs->Ds+Ds-)
v9r1p1 TDR data  2003-10-14 New preselection code integrated for stripping production (Bd->DoK*)
v9r1 TDR data  2003-09-04 New preselection code integrated for stripping production (Bd->PhiKs)
v9r0 TDR data  2003-08-07

Supports running on TDR data with TDR tunings (L0 and L1 trigger, Flavour tagging)  and on new data produced with Brunel v20r0

Move to Gaudi v12r0, LHCb v12r1, XmlDDDB v17r0, CMT v14, support for gcc3.2

Changes in HLT

New way of making all type of Kshort including use of particleID info

ProtoParticles cuts optimized for optional TTT and VTT tracks

Introduce new options to select on type of tracks in CombinedParticleMaker

More summary info in Efficiency Algorithm and fixed bug introduced in DaVinciEff v2r6 for certain decays. Full break down works only for some decays.

Drop support for data produced with Brunel < v17r4 (Spring 2003 Production) and reprocessing for Global robustness test data.  Support for new data with Brunel v20r0

Modification in preselections for stripping production (Bs->DsK/pi)

Modification to introduce tight cuts (Bd->D*Pi exclusive)

v8r3p4  2003-07-23 New versions of (pre)selections code integrated for stripping production (Bc->Ds(KKpi) Do(Kpi),     Bd->D*pi exclusive, Bs->mumu) 
v8r3p3  2003-07-15

New features of Efficiency algorithm (break down of rec'tible/rec'ted categories, new definitions of rec'tible for neutrals)

New versions of (pre)selections code integrated for stripping production (Bd->mumu K*)

v8r3p2  2003-07-08

Bug fixes and modification in FlavourTagging

New versions of preselections code integrated for stripping production (Bd->D(Kpipi) D(Kpipi),        Bs->Ds(KKpi) Ds(KKpi), Bs-> Phi Phi).

New versions of selections integrated (Bd->J/Psi(mu mu)K*, Bs -> J/Psi Eta, Bs->Phi Etac)

New selection integrated (Bu -> Ks pi)

v8r3p1  2003-07-03 New and new versions of preselections code integrated for stripping production (Bd->pi pi, Kpi,    Bs->Kpi,KK,  Bd->DoK*, Bd->Kpipipi, Bs->DsK/pi)
v8r3  2003-06-27

Use new version of LHCb with memory leak fixes in associators used for ParticleIDs DeltaLogLikelyhood (problem causing jobs > 120K events to fail)

New preselections code integrated for stripping production (Bd->D*pi inclusive, Bd->pi0pi0,         Bs->Phi Etac)   

v8r2  2003-06-18

Flavor tagging new tuning for TDR, combining muon, electron, kaon and vertex tagging.

New preselections code integrated for stripping production (Bs->Ds(KKpi) Ds(KKpi),Bd->Kpipipi,     Bs->DsK/pi, J/Psi->mumu, J/Psi->ee)

New selection introduced (Bs->J/Psi eta)

v8r1  2003-06-04 Allows running L0 and L1 trigger with the TDR's tuning

High level triggers integrated.

MuonID rerun by default with the new tuning via inclusions of DaVinciReco.opts

The combined particle ID implemented and stored in ProtoParticles. A CombinedParticleMaker allowing to make Particles according to this is available 

All necessary corrections for neutrals encapsulated in DaVinciNeutrals.opts

New preselections code integrated for stripping production

Efficiency algorithm options now works with both type of associators (link and chi2) at the same time.

Link associator works with neutral and charged particles at the same time.

v8r0    2003-05-06

Various preselections code integrated.

New features for MCTruth analysis: efficiency algorithm MC part works with intermediated resonances, CompositeLink associtator can allow for missing gammas (ex.Jpsi -> mu mu g), Link associator works with particle not stored in TES

New features for neutrals: merged pi0 are available, new E/S/L corrections for gammas

New ParticleMaker with assigned pID for HLT studies

Add support for reprocessing of Global Robustness data

Latest FlavourTagging integrated with persistable results.

v7r4    2003-03-25

Split of the algorithm for Decay selections in smaller packages that contains all code and options for a decay

The decay which packages are automatically included in DaVinci are listed in PhysSelSys.

None of the decay selection code has been modified respect to v7r2.

Introduce possibility to use new Delta Log Likelihood tools for Calorimeters particle ID.

v7r3    2003-02-13

Respect to v7r2:

- support for TDR data
- new algorithm for primary vertex determination
- new algorithm for reading results of Brunel Ks reconstruction
- new tools for making Photons 

- new package MCTools to hold tools for analysis of MC truth with release of Visible Primary Vertex tool

v7r2    2003-01-13 Identical to v6r2 but based on Gaudi v11r4 and CMT projects.
v6r2    2003-01-07 Respect to v6r1 there is a choice of database dependent configuration for available productions, the possibility to rerun the L1 trigger. New and modified physics selections.
v6r1    2002-11-13 Respect to v6r0 the PrimaryVertex has been tuned to Brunel v14r2 data. Resonances are set at creation time and vertexing is done with their decays products. New physics selections.
v6r0    2002-10-30 Full chain from reconstruction objects to Particles and association to MCtruth available for all type of Particles. New & modified physics selections for OODST.
v5r0    2002-07-29 First version OO-DST compatible, Drop support of Zebra banks. New physics selections are included but not modified for OODST.


release notes, requirements


Use PhysSelections v1r1 with new selection

PhysSelections v1r2 is compatible with this version

v4r1    2002-06-06 Last major version supporting reading of Zebra files produced with Brunel from v5r1 to Brunel v9r1
v3r0    2002-04-04 Use new physics event model and suite of OO physics tools
v2r0    2002-02-13

Separate fortran dependent analysis

Drop support of reading files produced with SICBDST v235

v1r2    2001-10-15

First version of the OO-Analysis software

Supports running of existing Fortran physics analysis and development of new analysis in OO